New Granada Revolution
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1) Who was the leader or "liberador" in the New Granada Revolution?
a) Santander b) Jose Maria Esquivel c) Simon Bolivar d) Pancho Villa
2) Alongside Simon Bolivar who was another leader during the revolution?
a) Jose Santander b) Antonio Jose Bolivar c) Don Jose de San Martin d) Otto Guevara
3) What are some short-term causes or "sparks" of the New Granada Revolution?
a) France invades Spain: Spain loses power b)Britian contains control over USA c) Britain Expands d)Taxes are lowered in favor of the people
4) What are some long-term causes of the New Granada Revolution.
a)No womens rights were given b) People wanted to be part of Spanish Empire c) Harsh mining industry exploited on the natives d)All power was given to Spain
5) Explain an environmental setting that worked in favor or against in the attacks against the Spaniards in the causes that led up to the revolution.